KEYWORDS: Central fusion disruption; diplopia; horror fusionis; intractable diplopia; strabismus surgery
However, one of the complications of cosmetic strabismus surgery is persistent diplopia.
In this study, we review the existing literature regarding diplopia after strabismus surgery in the context of the senior author's experience.
HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Symptoms associated with vertebrobasilar ischemia are1,2 Disequilibrium Vertigo Diplopia Cortical blindness Alternating paresthesia Tinnitus
Transient periods of ataxia, diplopia, dysphagia and dysarthria. Tingling or numbness of the face, sensory hemianaesthesia affecting the body or transient hemiparesis.
It is a rare disease resulting in a variety of ischemic neurologic symptoms such as vertigo, dizziness, diplopia, dysarthria, ataxia and nystagmus.
Figure 1 General approach to diplopia.
A common lens problem that can lead to diplopia is a cataract.
Neuro-Ophthalmology Diplopia – Double Vision Diplopia, also known as double vision, occurs in one of two ways.
The basilar-type aura had a median duration of 60 minutes and comprised vertigo 61%, dysarthria 53%, tinnitus 45%, diplopia 45%, bilateral visual symptoms 40%, bilateral paresthesias
The basilar-type aura comprised diplopia 52%, vertigo 43%, tinnitus 43%, bilateral visual symptoms 39%, hypacusia 26%, ataxia 26%, dysarthria 22%, bilateral paresthesias 13%
The symptoms can last from 5 to 60 minutes and may include ataxia, vertigo, diplopia, bitemporal or binasal visual field loss, dysarthria, tinnitus, hyperacusia, bilateral
[…] pressure under the zygomatic arch and resetting the bones in their anatomic position (eg, Gilles approach), were hindered by unsatisfactory cosmetic results and persistent diplopia
Flattened face (sometimes) Palpation Infraorbital fracture steps Lateral orbital border Zygomatic buttress Function tests V2 sensitivity Facialis function Ocular motility Diplopia
Which muscle is most likely trapped causing diplopia?
HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION Symptoms associated with vertebrobasilar ischemia are1,2 Disequilibrium Vertigo Diplopia Cortical blindness Alternating paresthesia Tinnitus
Cerebrovascular disorder View Full Image Image License and Citation Guidelines Add to My To-Do List View Mark Complete Remove Comments A 58-year-old woman had a sudden onset of diplopia
The most common symptoms include: vertigo dizziness syncope diplopia visual field deficits blindness ataxia imbalance dysphagia dysarthria unilateral weakness Patient most
The secondary outcome variable was diplopia.
In case of late diplopia, oculomotor surgery can be performed 6 months after bone repair. The purpose is to obtain orthophoria in front-gaze and down-gaze.
Mono-ocular diplopia can be noted as an associated symptom to prompt early surgical repair.
63-year-old male presented with a two-month history of left eye swelling Associated with pain and horizontal diplopia Also reports decreased vision for the past few months
On following up 4 months after coiling, cranial nerve VI palsy and related symptoms-diplopia and limit of ocular movement-were improved significantly.
A 66-year-old female developed exophthalmos, impaired visual acuity (perception of light), and diplopia one day after sudden onset of headache.
At times, painful diplopia is present. Usually the patient has a preceding history of cancer.
Seven patients complained of horizontal diplopia, whereas two had vertical diplopia and one had oblique diplopia.
[…] before treatment (p) Not given 141 (57%) 9 (13%) Diplopia present 91 (86%) 28 (47%) No diplopia 15 (14%) 32 (53%) Aneurysm size (a) Not given 105 (41%) 0 (0%) Nongiant 6
Diplopia might possibly need steroids and surgery while proptosis might require steroids, radiation or corrective surgery.
Most commonly, patients presented with diplopia (48%); less frequently proptosis (26%) and decreased vision (16%). Pain was also noted in six cases.
Symptoms Most patients with orbital tumors notice a bulging of the eyeball or double vision (diplopia).
To present the case of a radioiodine therapy-naïve thyroid cancer patient with postthyroidectomy diplopia. A 63-year-old male patient presented with goiter.
Serum Tg was undetectable and the patient no longer has diplopia. Fig. 1 CT scan of the head.
The occurrence of progressive enophthalmos can represent an unusual symptom of orbital metastasis, commonly presenting with proptosis and diplopia.
One patient had horizontal diplopia due to an acute sixth nerve palsy along with severe constriction of visual fields while the second patient had symptoms of blurred vision
A 34-year-old morbidly obese woman with a history of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) presented with a 1-month history of bilateral vision loss, diplopia, and left
[…] pseudotumor cerebri-is a neurologic condition distinguished by any of the following symptoms: headache, increased cerebrospinal fluid pressure, papilledema, vision loss, diplopia
Classic symptoms include polymyalgia rheumatica, new-onset headache, jaw claudication, and visual symptoms such as diplopia and amaurosis fugax.
Jaw claudication, eye pain, photophobia, diplopia, and even blindness may accompany the temporal symptoms.
Fifteen days before, she complained of diplopia. She had doubtful symptoms of giant cell arteritis and showed a normal physical exam.
The patient received 1.5g intravenous methylprednisolone with marked improvement, but a month later presented with a red left eye and diplopia.
Overview Orbital pathology can result in neuro-ophthalmic manifestations such as optic neuropathy and ocular misalignment, leading to vision loss and diplopia.
However, the proptosis, lid retraction, and diplopia still remain.
Diplopia can be psychosomatic.
Neuro-Ophthalmology Diplopia – Double Vision Diplopia, also known as double vision, occurs in one of two ways.
Thus the diplopia is horizontal and worse in the distance.
The patient complained of severe diplopia, predominantly when looking left.
He gives an excellent diplopia history.
Diplopia during endoscopic sinus surgery is caused by surgical trauma or local anesthetics.
The ocular manifestations included visual loss in 59 (86%), eye pain in six (9%), diplopia in three (4%), and ptosis in one (1%) patient.
Diplopia indicated a possible tumor mass involving the cavernous sinus.
Within months of surgery, the patient’s diplopia and movement of her right eye improved. She had no other neurologic complaints.
In diplopia one image is distinct (true image), and the other is indistinct (false image). Binocular diplopia disappears when one eye is closed.
Third nerve palsy typically manifests as diplopia and ptosis.
Diplopia can be psychosomatic.
Diplopia was corrected with 6-prism diopters base-out prism in right eye. Funduscopy showed a bilateral papilledema, juxtapapillary exudates and splinter hemorrhages.
Abstract We describe a patient who had metastatic carcinoma of the stomach and severe headaches, weakness, and diplopia.
He later developed unsteadiness and head-movement-dependent oscillopsia due to vestibular areflexia and diplopia. At that time MRI showed leptomeningeal enhancement.
Unless there are complications (e.g. secondary glaucoma) or monocular diplopia the lens is left in place and management is optical. (Fig.
While most clinicians immediately think of neurological problems when diplopia is mentioned, monocular diplopia is always attributed to some type of media issue, such as a
Subluxation is one of the causes of monocular diplopia. If the luxation is complete the eye becomes markedly hyperopic and is unable to accommodate.
[…] adolescent boy who presented with upper and lower extremity glove-and-stocking paresthesias, distal weakness, vertigo, high-pitched voice, inattention, ataxia, and binocular diplopia
Thereafter, her blood pressure stabilized, the acidosis improved, and her deafness, diplopia, and confusion were resolved.
We present the case of an 61-year-old man with the history of class II obesity presenting with diplopia, dysarthria and vertigo, confirmed to be non-alcoholic WE.
In the following 2 months, he gradually developed hoarseness and diplopia at the left and lower fields of vision.
– Diplopia. 6. Associated Conditions Before examination, think!?
Diplopia or ptosis eventually occur in 90% of patients with MG and account for the initial complaint in 75%.
The first noticeable symptom is often eye muscle weakness, resulting in droopy eyelids (ptosis) or double vision (diplopia).
A46-year male presented with unilateral ptosis and diplopia.
BFM-90 reduced the recurrence of strabismus, diplopia, and proptosis, but did not correct deficits in the best corrected visual acuity.
Four weeks later, patient presented with orbital involvement as diplopia, sixth cranial nerve palsy, and medial rectus palsy.
RESULTS: A 66 year old male presented to the Accident and Emergency department with a 36 hour history of diplopia on waking, left retro-orbital pain and neck ache.
Abstract The authors describe the case of a 48 years old woman who presented with a one week history of a painful, swollen left eye with proptosis and diplopia.
Acute and chronic sinusitis, acute osteomyelitis, exophthalmos, diplopia, and conjunctival edema were concomitant diagnoses associated with significantly increased odds ratio
Clinical examination was significant for decreased vision in the affected orbit of 20/50, a trace RAPD OS, elevated IOP of 30 OS, proptosis and grossly decreased motility with diplopia
BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Postoperative diplopia remains a significant complication of orbital decompression in dysthyroid orbitopathy.
Diplopia resolved spontaneously in all the patients of group 1, while all the patients of group 2 required surgery.
We present what is to our knowledge the first case of cholesterol granuloma of a Haller cell associated with unilateral exophthalmos and diplopia in a 55-year-old man.
An 82-year-old man with hypothyroidism had vertical diplopia and swelling around his left eye. Visual acuity was 20/20 OD and 20/50 OS.
Orbital lymphoma usually presents as a palpable mass with proptosis, diplopia, and conjunctival ("salmon-pink") swelling.
3-year history of stage IV non-Hodgkin's lymphoma who had undergone recent monoclonal antibody therapy presented with a complaint of blur in the left eye with occasional diplopia
A 51-year-old woman with MS developed acute vertigo, ataxia, diplopia, dysarthria, and bifacial weakness.
There is a clinical continuum between BBE and Fisher's syndrome. [ 1 ] Bickerstaff reported eight patients who, in addition to acute ophthalmoplegia (diplopia) and ataxia,
Your doctor or therapist may also recommend corrective lenses or an eye patch to help manage diplopia. And hearing problems may necessitate the use of a hearing aid.
Unless there are complications (e.g. secondary glaucoma) or monocular diplopia the lens is left in place and management is optical. (Fig.
Symptoms of these patients mainly included decrease in visual acuity (17 cases, 47.2%), blurred vision (16 cases, 44.4%), glare (1 case, 2.8%), diplopia (1 case, 2.8%), and
Patients may also complain of monocular diplopia and are at risk of developing amblyopia, glaucoma, and retinal detachment.
Usually insidious onset, typically presents with proptosis, ptosis, diplopia, motility disorders.
Diplopia might possibly need steroids and surgery while proptosis might require steroids, radiation or corrective surgery.
Complications [ edit | edit source ] Possible complications are dependent on surgical technique, and may include: Infection, hemorrhage, diplopia or strabismus, vision loss