Inflammation of the paranasal sinus lining results in a pathological condition termed as sinusitis. Rhinosinusitis is the more favored term to describe the condition owning to the concurrent involvement of nasal mucosa and concomitance of rhinitis. In the United States, approximately 35 million people suffer from rhinosinusitis and result in nearly 16 million office visits annually [1].
Symptoms of acute sinusitis are as follows:
- Dense, yellow or greenish exudate from the nose or towards the lower part of throat
- Labored breathing due to clogging of nasal passage
- Pain, soreness, inflammation and pressure around forehead, eyes, cheeks and nose
- Diminished sense of olfaction and gustation
- Nocturnal cough
Other less specific symptoms can include:
- Head and ear ache
- Teeth and upper jaw pain
- Halitosis
- Exhaustion
- High temperature
Entire Body System
- Fever
– Fever is usually mild or absent. Sinusitis is likely if symptoms persist for longer than 10 to 14 days or worsen after 5 to 7 days or are severe (severe pain, high fever, deterioration of the general condition). []
Children may experience one to two days of fever, accompanied by constitutional symptoms, such as fatigue, headache, decreased appetite, and myalgia. []
The patient experienced photophobia, fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. Frontal sinusitis with intracranial abscess was diagnosed on imaging. The patient was taken to the operating room for drainage with left frontal balloon sinuplasty. []
People presenting with symptoms for around 10 days or less do not offer an antibiotic prescription. give advice about: the usual course of acute sinusitis (2 to 3 weeks) an antibiotic not being needed managing symptoms, including fever, with self-care []
The following conditions can cause sinusitis without the presence of an underlying infection: Allergies: allergies such as hay fever cause an inflammation that can block the sinuses. []
- Fatigue
[…] breathing Facial pain, tenderness, swelling and pressure around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead Reduced sense of smell and taste Cough Other signs and symptoms can include: Ear pain Headache Aching in your upper jaw and teeth Bad breath (halitosis) Fatigue []
[…] facial pain or tenderness, nasal drainage or congestion, headache, cough, fever, fatigue, toothache, less taste or smell virus or bacteria direct from those who carry the bug or indirectly from the food, surfaces, clothing or materials they contact; tobacco []
Generalized symptoms like fatigue are also typical. Causes of acute sinusitis Sinusitis can be caused by infections, allergies, and chemical or other irritation of the sinuses. []
Some of the primary symptoms of acute sinusitis include: Facial pain/pressure Nasal stuffiness Nasal discharge Loss of smell Cough/congestion Additional symptoms may include: Fever Bad breath Fatigue Dental pain Acute sinusitis may be diagnosed when a []
Pain in the face over sinus areas (near the nose, above the teeth, the forehead) Thick and purulent (filled with pus) nasal discharge from both nostrils that may be worse on one side Cough and sore throat (from nasal drainage irritating the throat) Fatigue []
- Malaise
Acute sinusitis usually follows a cold and presents with nasal obstruction, facial pain, dental pain, purulent rhinorrhoea, sinus tenderness and in some cases fever and malaise. []
Patients may also have systemic malaise, fever, cough or sore throat. []
[…] nasal mucosa Bronchial asthma Analgesic ( NSAIDs, aspirin ) intolerance References: [1] [4] [8] [9] Pathophysiology Clinical features Condition Sinusitis Rhinitis Additional features Acute viral rhinosinusitis Fever ( ∼ 50% of cases), headaches, general malaise []
Individuals with acute bacterial rhinosinusitis often have nasal mucous membranes edema, mucopurulent nasal discharge, persistent postnasal drip, fever, and malaise. []
Symptoms of chronic sinusitis may include any combination of the following: nasal congestion, facial pain, headache, night-time coughing, an increase in previously minor or controlled asthma symptoms, general malaise, thick green or yellow discharge, []
- Constitutional Symptom
Children may experience one to two days of fever, accompanied by constitutional symptoms, such as fatigue, headache, decreased appetite, and myalgia. []
Fever and constitutional symptoms generally disappear within 24 to 48 hours after which the respiratory symptoms predominate. Most with acute viral rhinosinusitis improved spontaneously after 7 to 12 days. []
- Nasal Congestion
Viruses are notorious for causing nasal congestion (and runny noses), and hence, inflammation of the sinuses. []
Importantly, in viral URIs, nasal congestion and cough improve toward the end of the illness. 1,3 Persistent illness. []
Symptoms thought to be "very important" in the diagnosis of acute sinusitis included prolonged symptom duration (93%), purulent rhinorrhea (55%), and nasal congestion (43%); 60% reported that symptom duration is more important than symptom combination []
If the nasal cavity mucosa is also involved then the term rhinosinusitis may be used. Fever, headache, postnasal discharge of thick sputum, nasal congestion and an abnormal sense of smell. []
Nasal congestion also makes breathing difficult, which causes discomfort; this mucus that is clogged in your sinuses then becomes a breeding ground for bacteria leading to a bacteria infection. []
- Nasal Discharge
The absence of green nasal discharge, the absence of disturbed sleep and mild symptoms were associated with a diagnosis of URI. []
Nasal discharge typically begins clear and becomes mucopurulent over the next few days; subsequently, it either resolves or becomes serous again at the end of the URI. []
discharge or daytime cough or both) lasting more than 10 days; worsening cough, worsening or new nasal discharge, or daytime cough or fever after initial improvement; or severe onset of fever and purulent nasal discharge for at least 3 consecutive days []
[…] blockage/obstruction/congestion or nasal discharge: +/- facial pain/pressure +/- reduction/loss of smell +/- cough Examination: anterior rhinoscopy: swelling, redness, pus, exclude dental infection Community treatment prior to referral: In those patients []
- Nasal Discharge
The absence of green nasal discharge, the absence of disturbed sleep and mild symptoms were associated with a diagnosis of URI. []
Nasal discharge typically begins clear and becomes mucopurulent over the next few days; subsequently, it either resolves or becomes serous again at the end of the URI. []
discharge or daytime cough or both) lasting more than 10 days; worsening cough, worsening or new nasal discharge, or daytime cough or fever after initial improvement; or severe onset of fever and purulent nasal discharge for at least 3 consecutive days []
[…] blockage/obstruction/congestion or nasal discharge: +/- facial pain/pressure +/- reduction/loss of smell +/- cough Examination: anterior rhinoscopy: swelling, redness, pus, exclude dental infection Community treatment prior to referral: In those patients []
- Aspiration
Aspiration of sinus secretions was performed and aspirates were sent for culture. All patients received antibiotic treatment for the infection based on microbiologic sensitivity reports. []
As the maxillary sinuses are the most accessible to aspiration and also the most commonly involved sinus in acute sinusitis, they were the most commonly aspirated sinuses. []
Be aware of the usefulness of nasal cultures, sinus, aspirate cultures, and findings on imaging in diagnosing bacterial sinusitis. []
- Postnasal Drip
Other symptoms that can be related to sinusitis and sinus pain are tooth pain, jaw pain, postnasal drip, redness of the nose, reddened cheeks, red eyelids, decreased sense of taste, decreased sense of smell, ear fullness, and nasal drainage. []
Every year, nearly 37 million Americans suffer from the sinus pressure, nasal congestion, cough and postnasal drip that accompany sinusitis. Doctors often prescribe antibiotics to relieve acute sinusitis, which can develop following a chest cold. []
Clinical features Postnasal drip Bilateral nasal obstruction Frequently impaired olfactory function (from hyposmia to anosmia ) Fever and severe facial pain are uncommon. []
Q & A Library – Conquering Postnasal drip ?, [Consulté le 27 mai 2010]. Ask DrWeil, Polaris Health (Ed). Q & A Library - Snuffing out a sinus infection?, []
Back to Top Signs and symptoms Acute bacterial sinusitis in adults most often manifests with more than 7 days of nasal congestion, purulent rhinorrhea, postnasal drip, and facial pain and pressure, alone or with associated referred pain to the ears and []
- Overeating
They may also check to see if you have a temperature or if you have tenderness over your sinuses. They may examine your nose, as often the lining of the nose is swollen in acute sinusitis. []
A stuffed nose and pressure on our cheekbones, near the eyes, or over the forehead may mean that you have acute sinusitis. []
Tenderness over the sinuses occurs, but is not a specific or reliable sign, and there is not usually any swelling. In general, sinusitis does not cause swellings below the zygoma. []
And I don’t want to contribute to the growing public health crisis over bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics. But I want my patients to recover and prevent any serious complications from sinusitis. []
Jaw & Teeth
- Halitosis
Difficulty breathing Facial pain, tenderness, swelling and pressure around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead Reduced sense of smell and taste Cough Other signs and symptoms can include: Ear pain Headache Aching in your upper jaw and teeth Bad breath (halitosis []
Pain, tenderness, pressure and swelling around your eyes, nose, cheeks and forehead Reduced sense of smell and taste Cough (may get worse at night) Other symptoms of acute sinusitis: Headache Ear pain Upper jaw and teeth ache Fatigue Fever Bad breath (halitosis []
[…] clogging of nasal passage Pain, soreness, inflammation and pressure around forehead, eyes, cheeks and nose Diminished sense of olfaction and gustation Nocturnal cough Other less specific symptoms can include: Head and ear ache Teeth and upper jaw pain Halitosis []
Box 2: Symptoms Associated with the Diagnosis of Chronic Sinusitis Facial pain or pressure Facial congestion or fullness Nasal obstruction or blockage Nasal discharge, purulence, or postnasal drip Hyposmia or anosmia Headache Fever Halitosis Fatigue Dental []
Additionally, postnasal drip (when mucus drips down the back of the throat), reduced sense of smell, and halitosis (bad breath) are typically associated with sinus infections. []
- Periorbital Edema
Other findings, especially in acute ethmoiditis, are periorbital cellulitis, edema, and proptosis. Failure to transilluminate the sinus and the presence of nasal voice can be present in many patients. []
[…] symptoms Worsening of symptoms or signs of acute rhinosinusitis within 10 days after an initial improvement The following signs may be noted on physical examination: Purulent nasal secretions Purulent posterior pharyngeal secretions Mucosal erythema Periorbital []
Face, Head & Neck
- Facial Pain
The main symptoms include: Facial pain/pressure/tenderness Stuffy nose Thick yellow or green nasal discharge Loss of smell and taste Congestion/cough You may also experience: Fever Ear pain Headache Tiredness Toothache Cleveland Clinic News & More Cleveland []
A history of facial pain (LR+ of 0.59; CI 0.39, 0.90 and LR- of 2.85; CI 1.27, 6.41) and the finding of sinus percussion tenderness (LR+ of 0.22; CI 0.05, 0.90 and LR- of 1.88; CI 1.17, 3.03) were inversely associated with sinusitis. []
Causes of facial pain Migraine Trigeminal neuralgia Cluster headache Paroxysmal hemicrania Atypical facial pain Tension headache Chronic oro-facial pain Dental infection Mid-facial segment pain Post-herpetic neuralgia Primary care approach to CRS Treatment []
Acute sinusitis usually follows a cold and presents with nasal obstruction, facial pain, dental pain, purulent rhinorrhoea, sinus tenderness and in some cases fever and malaise. []
- Epistaxis
No serious adverse events or complications related to treatment were reported; however, more mild adverse events such as nasal and throat irritation, mild epistaxis, and sneezing occurred in Cyclamen europaeum group participants (50%) compared to placebo []
Adverse events Study ID Cyclamen europaeum Placebo Pfaar 2012 67% total 50% nasal irritation mild/moderate 27% mild epistaxis 4% sneezing 3 discontinued treatment 29% total 4% nasal irritation 14% mild epistaxis 4% vertigo 2 discontinued treatment Ponikau []
Naphazoline 0.05% Burning, stinging, dryness, and irritation of the nasal mucosa; sneezing; rebound congestion Available over the counter Oxymetazoline 0.05% (Afrin) Phenylephrine 0.25%, 0.5%, 1% Intranasal corticosteroids Beclomethasone (Beconase AQ) Epistaxis []
[…] worsening) Fungal rhinosinusitis Non-invasive Allergic fungal: features of asthma and other atopic manifestations Fungal mycetoma: unilateral complaints; usually involves the maxillary sinus Invasive Acute fulminant rhino-orbital-cerebral mucormycosis : epistaxis []
The nose should be examined for a deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps, and epistaxis. Foreign bodies and tumors can mimic symptoms of sinusitis and should be in the differential diagnosis, especially if the symptoms are unilateral. []
- Headache
The patient experienced photophobia, fever, headache, nausea and vomiting. Frontal sinusitis with intracranial abscess was diagnosed on imaging. The patient was taken to the operating room for drainage with left frontal balloon sinuplasty. []
This may lead to a headache or a throbbing facial pain. The most frequent cause of acute sinusitis is the common cold. However, allergies, bacterial and fungal infections can also cause acute sinusitis. []
[…] the back of the throat Nasal obstruction or congestion Difficulty breathing Facial pain, tenderness, swelling and pressure around your eyes, cheeks, nose or forehead Reduced sense of smell and taste Cough Other signs and symptoms can include: Ear pain Headache []
The main symptoms include: Facial pain/pressure/tenderness Stuffy nose Thick yellow or green nasal discharge Loss of smell and taste Congestion/cough You may also experience: Fever Ear pain Headache Tiredness Toothache Cleveland Clinic News & More Cleveland []
- Sinus Headache
Common sinus conditions treated include: Acute sinusitis Chronic sinusitis Nasal obstruction Allergic rhinitis Sinus headaches Deviated Septum Nasal polyps Other Services Other conditions treated by the ENT specialists at Missouri Baptist Medical Center []
It tends to be very uncomfortable and painful, and often happens when you least expect it. 0ne minute you are feeling fine and breathing easily and the next minute, you have a killer sinus headache. []
*One 2002 study has found that nine out of 10 physician-diagnosed or self-described sinus headaches are actually migraine-related. []
Steam inhalation is especially good at reducing sinus headaches. 10. Essential Oils To naturally clear the sinuses, using eucalyptus oil and peppermint oil can be highly effective. []
[…] is present, and it is these symptoms that distinguish a sinus-related headache from other types of headaches, such as tension and migraine headaches. []
Diagnosis of acute sinusitis:
- Physical examination of nose and throat. Tenderness indicate sinusitis.
- Visual inspection of nasal passages aided by a device to hold the nose open and application of medications to constrict blood vessels for easier observation. Signs of sinusitis include swelling, fluid accumulation, nasal polyps or any other abnormalities.
- Nasal endoscopy to visually examine the inside of the sinuses.
- Computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of sinuses and nasal area are recommended for complicated cases of acute sinusitis to identify and confirm suspected complications.
- Microbial cultures of nasal and sinus specimens are not recommended.
The American Academy of Pediatrics has published the updated guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of bacterial acute sinusitis in children and young adults in June 2010 [10]. The updated criteria for acute sinusitis include the presence of upper respiratory tract infection (URI) along with aggravating symptoms like nasal discharge, cough and high temperature after initial improvement. The former recommendations only urged the physicians to look for URI with either nasal drainage and/or daytime cough lasting for more than 10 days or severe acute fever, purulent nasal drainage and other breathing discomforts for 3 or more continuous days.
Management of patients with sinusitis symptoms lasting for more than 10 days now include an additional 3 day observation period before antibiotic treatment. However antibiotic therapy is prescribed for children with severe or worsening symptoms. Amoxicillin (with or without clavulanate) is the drug of choice for treating acute sinusitis. Paranasal CT scanning is recommended for children with suspected cases of orbital or central nervous system complications.
- Alternaria
Fungal: Aspergillus, Rhizopus oryzae, Bipolaris, Curvularia, and Alternaria Route of transmission : droplet transmission, particularly in winter months Risk factors Preexisting viral upper respiratory tract infection ( URTI ): most common Ventilation []
Fungal agents associated with this condition include Aspergillus and Alternaria species. Bipolaris and Curvularia species are the most common fungi recovered in allergic fungal sinusitis, accounting for 60% and 20%, respectively, in most studies. []
Most cases of viral acute sinusitis are self-limiting and self-care techniques are sufficient to ease the discomforts and speed up the recovery. Recommendations to ease symptoms include:
- Rinsing the nasal passages with saline nasal spray multiple times per day.
- Treatment of inflammation with nasal corticosteroid sprays like fluticasone (Flonase), budesonide (Rhinocort Aqua), mometasone (Nasonex), beclomethasone (Beconase AQ) and triamcinolone (Nasacort AQ).
- Managing the nasal congestions with nasal sprays, prescription medications and over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Available OTC medications include Sudafed (oral decongestants) and Afrins (oxymetazoline based nasal sprays). Utmost care should be exercised while using such medications, because their unrestricted use may lead to severe congestion (rebound congestion).
- Pain associated with sinusitis can be managed by using OTC pain killers (e.g. aspirin, acetaminophen –Tylenol or ibuprofen - Advil, Motrin IB). Aspirin owning to its Reye syndrome linkage should only be used with caution among pediatric and young adult patients. It should not be prescribed for patients convalescing from chickenpox and flu-like illnesses.
- Antibiotic treatment is not required in most of the cases.
Sinusitis can be treated effectively with self-care treatment and medical advice. However frequent episodes of sinusitis warrant medical check-up to rule out presence of nasal polyps and other underlying conditions like allergies. Sinusitis rarely result in mortality but complicated sinusitis, when left untreated, may lead to poor health conditions and in rare cases to death.
Acute sinusitis clears spontaneously without the help of antibiotic treatment in around 40% of the cases. Spontaneous cure rate is about 98% for sinusitis induced by viral infections. Antibiotic treatment of acute sinusitis is very effective with only a less than 5% relapse rate. Re-examination of the patients is necessary when they are unresponsive to the treatment post- 48 hours and when the symptoms worsen. Rhinosinusitis may result in serious conditions like meningitis, cavernous sinus thrombophlebitis, brain abscess and orbital cellulitis or abscess when left untreated. Allergic rhinitis cases deserve assertive treatment to manage nasal symptoms and clogging of sinus outflow tracts due to mucosal edema to prevent the incidence of secondary sinusitis. Surgical removal of adenoids is recommended when it is chronically infected to prevent further infection and associated complications.
Sinusitis is a pathological condition in which mucous membranes of nose, sinuses and the upper respiratory tract become swelled up. Mucus that is discharged normally gets clogged under such conditions resulting in facial pain and other associated discomforts. The clogged sinuses provide the moist environment for bacteria to colonize the sinuses. Infected sinuses become pus filled causing drainage of dense, yellow or greenish discharge along with the development of other symptoms.
The microbial causative agents of sinusitis include viruses, bacteria and fungi. In the majority of cases acute sinusitis is induced by the common cold viruses. Bacterial infections are accountable for sinusitis that last for more than seven days. Sinus anomalies and impaired immune system are the major risk factors for contracting fungal infection induced sinusitis.
Health conditions associated with increased risk of sinusitis are as follows:
- Allergic conditions. Allergy induced swelling up of mucosal lining e.g. hay fever.
- Presence of nasal polyps or tumors. The physical block due to the presence of growth in nasal channels or sinuses lead to clogging and subsequent infections.
- Tooth infections
- Deviated nasal septum that obstruct or block sinuses.
- Other medical conditions: Cystic fibrosis, immune dysfunctions or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) that result in sinus clogging.
In the United Kingdom, about 3 in 1000 people suffer from acute sinusitis and about 1 in 1000 from chronic sinusitis annually. Incidence of sinusitis is often reported to follow a seasonal pattern. Incidence of sinusitis peaks in winter and rhinoviral infections in fall and spring. Coronaviral infection which induces sinusitis is reported frequently during the month of December and continues till the end of March.
In the United States, the conditions are more severe and about 1 in every 7 people suffers from acute sinusitis, with about 30 million diagnoses every year. Incidence is acute sinusitis is reported frequently from early autumn to early spring. Rhinosinusitis is responsible for approximately 35 million infections and 16 million medical consultations annually.
As per the data of National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey (NAMCS), about 14% of adult population have rhinosinusitis every year, and it stood at fifth position in diagnosis for which antibiotic therapy is advised and also accounts for about 0.4% of outpatient diagnosis [2]. Americans have spent around $3.39 billion for rhinosinusitis treatment in 1996 [3] and in case of children the money spend for acute sinusitis treatment averages $1.77 billion annually. An average child is prone to develop at least 6-8 upper respiratory tract infections (URI) annually. Approximately 6-13% of viral induced URI in children results in opportunistic bacterial infection and acute sinusitis [4] [5]. Women are reported to develop infective sinusitis more frequently (20.3%) than men (11.5%) owning to their close contact with children.
Human skull possess many air-filled spaces termed as sinuses positioned behind the forehead, cheeks, nasal bones and eyes. Healthy sinuses are germ free with ample air circulation. Under the normal physiological conditions, mucus drainage into the nasal cavity is aided by the ciliary action. The unidirectional flow of mucus secretions towards the ostia helps in preventing the contamination and infections within the sinuses of healthy individuals.
Pathophysiological conditions which lead to sinusitis [6] [7] include:
- Retention of mucus with subsequent microbial infection.
- Contamination of the sterile sinuses by the bacteria colonized in nasopharynx. Bacterial contamination occur when mucociliary clearance of microbes fail leading to the introduction of bacteria into the sinus.
Even though the healthy sinuses are considered as sterile, research studies have proved the presence of bacterial colonies in healthy sinuses. The healthy sinuses of patients undergoing septal deviation corrective surgery were found to harbor aerobic and anaerobic bacterial flora [8]. A study focusing on the presence of aerobic bacteria in healthy sinuses of surgical maxilla repositioning patients revealed the presence of Staphylococcus sp. and alpha-hemolytic streptococci in the maxillary sinus [9]. Bacteria were isolated from 20% of maxillary sinuses patients on whom the surgeries were carried out.
Preventive measures to minimize the risk of contracting acute sinusitis include the following:
- Avoiding URI by distancing from people suffering from common cold. Frequent cleansing of hands with soap and water before eating food and after shaking hands.
- Annual vaccination against influenza.
- Careful management of allergies to keep symptoms under check.
- Quitting cigarette smoking and avoiding exposure to polluted air which can irritate and inflame the mucous membranes.
- Humidifying the indoor dry air aids in preventing sinusitis. Humidifier used should be cleansed frequently to avoid mold formation.
- Boosting the immune system by maintaining a healthy diet with vegetables and fruits, which are rich sources of antioxidants.
- Reducing stress.
Sinusitis can be classified into two types based on the duration of the symptoms:
Acute sinusitis: Symptoms last for less than 4 weeks. Bacteria that colonize the sinuses are the major causative agent.
Chronic sinusitis: Symptoms last for more than 3 months. The causative agent can either be a bacteria or a fungus.
Viral or bacterial infections are responsible for acute sinusitis in the majority of cases. Viruses causing common cold induce an inflammatory response in the host. The resultant acute inflammation of the sinuses, entrapment of air and mucus beyond the narrowed sinus openings results in sinusitis. The associated symptoms and discomfort usually last for about two weeks. Occasionally viral infections may lead to opportunistic bacterial infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and Moraxella catarrhalis. These bacteria are the frequent colonizers of nose and throat that cause acute sinusitis.
Acute sinusitis has many clinical and radiological classifications in the literature. However there is no general agreement on a precise definition. People at high risk of developing sinusitis are those who endure:
- Allergies or other chronic rhinal problems
- Reduced immune function e.g. HIV infections
- Abnormal mucus secretion or movement, e.g. cystic fibrosis patients who suffer from clogged airways due to thick mucus build up
Patient Information
Acute sinusitis (acute rhinosinusitis) is a condition in which the cavities in skull bone become swollen, mucus filled and clogged. The main symptoms of acute sinusitis include difficulty in breathing, pain around eyes, swollen painful face and headache.
Contracting common cold often result in acute sinusitis. Allergies, fungal and bacterial infections may also lead to acute sinusitis. Most of the time symptoms of acute sinusitis can be managed with self-care treatments. Chronic sinusitis, in which the symptoms last for more than two months or keeps coming back, require immediate medical attention as untreated cases may quickly lead to severe infections and other complications. Symptoms that do not improve or get worse after effective self-care and prolonged fever warrant immediate medical attention.
Risk factors for contracting sinusitis include:
- Allergic conditions e.g. hay fever
- Presence of deviated nasal septum, polyps or tumors
- Cystic fibrosis, GERD or immune dysfunctions like immunoglobulin or antibody deficiency
- Frequent exposure to cigarette smoke or other air pollutants
Recommended medications that help to ease the discomforts include use of pain relievers and decongestants to make breathing easy.
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- Ray NF, Baraniuk JN, Thamer M, et al. Healthcare expenditures for sinusitis in 1996: contributions of asthma, rhinitis, and other airway disorders. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1999;103(3 Pt 1):408-14.
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