Asthenopia, also known as eyestrain, is an ocular condition which is seen frequently amongst students and computer operators. It is caused by long hours of near work leading to eye fatigue. Asthenopia can be of either the accommodative type or the muscular type and the two types can be differentiated with a patch test.
Asthenopia is becoming a public health problem due to lifestyle changes and increasing usage of computers in colleges and various industries [1] [2]. The term asthenopia includes several different clinical manifestations arising secondary to the excessive use of eyesight [3] [4] [5]. The symptoms are found to have a female preponderance with high school students presenting with ocular symptoms more frequently compared to primary school children due to their increasing use of computers [5]. Specific ocular clinical manifestations are photophobia, blurring of vision, eye redness, diplopia, itching of eyes, excessive tearing, dry eyes, and foreign body sensation [3] [6]. Other symptoms include headaches, eye soreness, fatigue, and irritation [3] [4] [5] [6]. Severe symptoms of asthenopia have been reported to accelerate age-related ocular diseases [7], reduce productivity and quality of life [8] [9]. Factors postulated to have a strong association with asthenopia include computer usage, psychosocial status, environment conditions, posture, and diet.
Asthenopia is classified as either internal or external [3].
- Internal or accommodative asthenopia presents with eye strain and pain inside the eyes and is due to ciliary muscle overuse [3] [6]. It can be caused by uncorrected refractive errors, convergence and accommodation insufficiency, or decompensated heterophoria [6] [10].
- External or muscular asthenopia is due to extraocular muscle weakness and presents with dryness and irritation of the eyes. It is associated with nerve palsies, strabismus, glare from lights, flickering stimuli from computer displays, and dry eyes [3].
Entire Body System
- Fatigue
The Exo group reported more eye fatigue (p < 0.001, Kruskal-Wallis test) than the Eso and the control group. []
See convergence excess ; convergence insufficiency ; divergence insufficiency ; visual fatigue ; ocular headache. []
It is caused by long hours of near work leading to eye fatigue. Asthenopia can be of either the accommodative type or the muscular type and the two types can be differentiated with a patch test. []
Another very effective alternative to prevent visual fatigue is perform relaxation eye exercises that help combat eye fatigue and, therefore, prevent asthenopia. []
- Pain
Group 1: with neck-shoulder pain but without asthenopia. Group 2: with neck-shoulder pain and asthenopia. Group 3: with asthenopia but without neck-shoulder pain. Group 4: without neck-shoulder pain and without asthenopia. []
(pain behind the eyes), etc. []
[…] asthenopia [ as″thĕ-no´pe-ah ] weakness or easy fatigue of the eye, with pain in the eyes, headache, and dimness of vision. adj., adj asthenop´ic. accommodative asthenopia asthenopia due to strain of the ciliary muscle. muscular asthenopia asthenopia []
Although often painful, eye strain doesn't lead to permanent eye damage. []
- Weakness
[G. astheneia, weakness, + ōps, eye] asthenopia /as·the·no·pia/ ( as″thĕ-no´pe-ah ) weakness or easy fatigue of the eye, with pain in the eyes, headache, dimness of vision, etc.asthenop´ic accommodative asthenopia asthenopia due to strain of the ciliary []
The tiredness or weakness of the Eyes is Asthenopia. It is caused by intense use of the Eyes such as prolonged use of computer, Reading or other visual tasks. It is accompanied by Headache and Weak Eye Sight. []
Retrieved April 09th, 2019, from asthenopia noun Weakness or fatigue of the eyes, usually accompanied by headache and dimming of vision. []
External or muscular asthenopia is due to extraocular muscle weakness and presents with dryness and irritation of the eyes. It is associated with nerve palsies, strabismus, glare from lights, flickering stimuli from computer displays, and dry eyes. []
Asthenopia, condition in which the eyes are weak and tire easily. It may be brought on by disorders in any of the various complicated functions involved in the visual act. []
- Inflammation
Fuji Chemical also holds seven patents for astaxanthin in the human application areas of inflammation, muscle endurance, immune system, dyspepsia, mastitis, fertility and H-pylori, as well as numerous pending patents. []
[…] either when the accommodation amplitude is low or hypermetropia is uncorrected ( accommodative asthenopia ), aniseikonia ( aniseikonic a .), astigmatism ( astigmatic a .), pain in the eye ( asthenopia dolens ), heterophoria ( heterophoric a .), ocular inflammation []
In the kindergarten and primary school the ASTENOPIC complaints due to hipermetropia, minor astigmatism and convergent deficit as well as chronic inflammation of the anterior segment eyelids and anexus, can be related with poor school performance more []
Effects of astaxanthin on lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in vitro and in vivo. Invest. Ophthal. Vis. Sci., 44(6):2694-2701. []
- Asymptomatic
Abstract To study asthenopia, we compared the dark focus of accommodation of 54 symptomatic and 56 asymptomatic control subjects. The two groups were matched for age and cycloplegic refractive error. []
The clinician should inquire about any avoidance behavior in patients who are asymptomatic despite clinical findings consistent with convergence insufficiency. [13, 14] The most common symptoms associated with convergence insufficiency include asthenopia []
It has been shown that by increasing the treatment time even beyond 12 weeks the proportion of patients being asymptomatic increases. 16 Asthenopic symptoms are a common complaint not only in working-age people 1 but also in schoolchildren 6 and convergence []
- Muscle Spasm
The symptoms of eye strain are varied and might include: Headaches Blurred vision Light sensitivity Red, watery eyes Painful or sore eyes Dry eyes Tired eyes Back and neck aches Muscle spasms Most, if not all, symptoms of eye strain are easily remedied []
spasms Most, if not all, symptoms of eye strain are easily remedied, however if these symptoms become persistent or worsen it is advisable that you visit your optometrist as soon as possible. []
If the conditions remain adverse, the oblique muscles can spasm. Once those muscles spasm, a different model for near focusing seems to take place. []
- Muscle Weakness
External or muscular asthenopia is due to extraocular muscle weakness and presents with dryness and irritation of the eyes. It is associated with nerve palsies, strabismus, glare from lights, flickering stimuli from computer displays, and dry eyes. []
- Blurred Vision
Furthermore, significant correlations were found between total nearwork time and blurred vision, and blurred vision and reduced accommodative facility. []
People with hyperopia can experience blurred vision, asthenopia, accommodative disfunction, binocular disfunction, amblyopia, and strabismus, another condition that frequently causes blurry near vision. []
The symptoms of eye strain are varied and might include: Headaches Blurred vision Light sensitivity Red, watery eyes Painful or sore eyes Dry eyes Tired eyes Back and neck aches Muscle spasms Most, if not all, symptoms of eye strain are easily remedied []
Although often painful, eye strain does not lead to permanent damage to the eye.The symptoms of eye strain are many and varied and may include; Headaches Blurred vision Light sensitivity Red, watery eyes Painful or sore eyes Dry eyes Tired eyes Back and []
- Strabismus
None of these participants had previously noticed symptoms of strabismus. Only the presence of strabismus was significantly different between the groups (P = .008). []
In the absence of ghosting to distinguish it from accomodative asthenopia should do a test on latent strabismus (with approximations of the object one eye given). []
- Eye Pain
VDT workers who complained of worsened vision, redness of the eyes, eye pain, and diplopia during work were found to show more significant changes in the psycho-physiological indicators objectively reflecting strain of the vision analyzer. []
The symptoms of eye strain are varied and might include: Headaches Blurred vision Light sensitivity Red, watery eyes Painful or sore eyes Dry eyes Tired eyes Back and neck aches Muscle spasms Most, if not all, symptoms of eye strain are easily remedied []
- Diplopia
Se a convergência for insuficiente ou inadequada, mesmo com acuidade e acomodação normais, tem-se um quadro de astenopia com diplopia. []
VDT workers who complained of worsened vision, redness of the eyes, eye pain, and diplopia during work were found to show more significant changes in the psycho-physiological indicators objectively reflecting strain of the vision analyzer. []
Diplopia The diplopia that manifests in patients with convergence insufficiency may present as two separate or overlapping images (a "ghost" image). []
Specific ocular clinical manifestations are photophobia, blurring of vision, eye redness, diplopia, itching of eyes, excessive tearing, dry eyes, and foreign body sensation. Other symptoms include headaches, eye soreness, fatigue, and irritation. []
- Photophobia
It can be the result of anxiety about the eyes, photosensitivity, or photalgia Applies To Asthenopia Eye strain Photophobia ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to 368.13 : []
Beyond noticing that you have to strain your eyes to see anything, there are other symptoms to look out for, such as: Fatigue Eye Pain Blurred Vision Double Vision Headaches Burning Watery Eyes Dry Eyes Sore Neck Photophobia (sensitivity to light) Computer []
Specific ocular clinical manifestations are photophobia, blurring of vision, eye redness, diplopia, itching of eyes, excessive tearing, dry eyes, and foreign body sensation. Other symptoms include headaches, eye soreness, fatigue, and irritation. []
- Fear
[…] visual discomfort Right visual discomfort Visual discomfort of both eyes Visual discomfort of left eye Visual discomfort of right eye Visual discomfort, both eyes Clinical Information A condition in which the eyes are more sensitive to light than normal Fear []
- Headache
Symptoms include pain in or around the eyes, headache, dimness of vision, dizziness, and slight nausea. as·the·no·pi·a ( as'thĕ-nō'pē-ă ) Subjective symptoms of ocular fatigue, discomfort, lacrimation, and headaches arising from use of the eyes. []
Asthenopia Definition Eyestrain Subjective symptoms of ocular fatigue, discomfort, lacrimation, and headaches arising from the use of eyes. Weakness or tiring of eyes accompanied by pain, headache, and dimness of vision. []
After watching S3D TV for 20 min, a survey of subjective symptoms was conducted with a questionnaire to evaluate the degree of S3D perception and asthenopic symptoms such as headache, dizziness and ocular fatigue while watching 3D TV. []
At times, the intensity of the headaches associated with asthenopia can be considerable and may even result in migraines with nausea and vomiting. B) Myopia. []
- Irritability
Other symptoms include headaches, eye soreness, fatigue, and irritation. Severe symptoms of asthenopia have been reported to accelerate age-related ocular diseases, reduce productivity and quality of life. []
After each task, subjects rated the magnitude of several symptom descriptors (burning, ache, strain, irritation, tearing, blurred vision, double vision, dryness, and headache) and their location. []
Eyestrain included symptoms like itching, burning, or irritated eyes; tired or heavy eyes; difficulty seeing clearly (including blurred or double vision); and headache. []
There are many causes for eye strain, including incorrect glasses, motility problems (the eyes out of alignment), or even from surface irritation such as dry eye . []
Lack of sleep may lead to repeated eye irritation. How Can You Prevent Eye Fatigue? Make some simple changes to: Continued Your computer screen: Place it 20-26 inches away from your eyes and a little below eye level. []
- Frontal Headache
Symptoms include pain in the eyeball, frontal headache, blurring of vision, and smarting and watering of the eye. These are usually worse toward evening and are aggravated by close work such as reading. []
Case 2 A 20 year old man was referred complaining of blurred vision for near work, associated with frontal headaches. His visual acuities were 6/5, N5 in each eye. Cycloplegic refraction showed no significant refractive error. []
- Asthenia
See Also: asterism astern asternal asteroid asteroid belt Asteroidea asteroidean Asteropaeus asthenia asthenic asthenopia asthenosphere asthma asthmatic Asti Asti spumante astigmatic astigmatism astigmatizer astigmatoscope astigmatoscopy Settings: Click []
[…] s, weak (see asthenia) + -opia Webster's New World College Dictionary, Fifth Edition Copyright © 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Link/Cite Link to this page Cite this page MLA Style "asthenopia." []
- Excitement
And these differ from running eyes, because running eyes shed tears without any external excitation, but these [the atonic] do not run without some exciting cause. []
Enter a word (“newspaper”), a word combination (“exciting trip”) or a phrase (“with all good wishes”) into the search box. []
Clinical presentation of asthenopia is similar to various other ocular disorders posing clinicians and optometrists with diagnostic challenges [3] [10]. Evaluation of patient's symptoms along with clinical measures helps to diagnose the condition and plan further management. The workup should start with a detailed history to elicit eyestrain at the college or work, refractive errors, use of spectacles or contact lenses, and previous laser surgery to correct refractive errors. An ophthalmological examination is essential to evaluate tear film, corneal opacities, and refraction. Visual acuity test, cycloplegic refraction test, and fundoscopy must be performed in all cases of asthenopia. The cover or patch test helps to confirm the diagnosis of asthenopia and differentiate between the two types of asthenopia. Persistence of symptoms after patching one eye for several hours indicates accommodative stress while relief of symptoms after resting one eye indicates muscular incompetence. Tests to differentiate accommodative insufficiency from ocular myasthenia gravis such as the Tensilon test, acetylcholine receptor antibody titers, and single fiber electromyography (EMG) testing can also be performed.
Laboratory and radiological studies are usually not indicated during the workup.
Fat and Blood An Essay on the Treatment of Certain Forms of Neurasthenia and Hysteria []
All four groups underwent an eight week treatment. Group 2 and 3 received optometric/orthoptic treatment of their asthenopia. Group 1 and 4 received placebo treatment, i.e. a pair of plano or +0.25D glasses. []
Abstract The aim of this study was to describe the orthoptic and ophthalmological findings in schoolchildren with asthenopia, to correlate them with asthenopic symptoms and to evaluate the effect of treatment. []
Cooper, J, Duckman, R 1978 Convergence Insufficiency: Incidence, diagnosis, and treatment Am J Optom Assoc 49 673 9 Google Scholar 21. []
Treat the underlying cause: If there’s an underlying cause such as refractive error, get treatment for it. Talk with your eye-care professional as soon as possible to discuss options for treatment. []
What is the prognosis of eye strain? The symptom of eye strain does not result in any damage to the eyes. Therefore, the prognosis is excellent. Relief of eye strain symptoms will usually occur using the above techniques. []
Etiology and pathogenesis ASTHENOPIA MUSCLE (ASTHENOPIA MUSCULARIS) Etiology. Dissociation between accommodation and convergence in myopia of medium degree (especially in the range of 3.0 - 6.0 D). The pathogenesis. []
Etiology Accommodative asthenopia: strain of ciliary muscle and refractive error. Photogenous asthenopia: excessive or improper illumination. []
Importantly, the underlying etiology of eyestrain must be better understood. []
[…] may be referred to asthenopia, a visual disorder that reveals itself through eyestrain, fatigue, pain in or around the eyes, and blurred vision. 5 Aside from the association with jobs requiring intensive utilization of visual display terminals, its etiology []
This is frequently caused by a lack of appropriate cortical output that is necessary for accurate accommodative and fusional vergence system responses, and for the demands of the task. 1 As seen in figure 2, there are a number of etiologies for asthenopia []
Manuel AP Vilela, 1,2 Victor D Castagno, 2,3 Rodrigo D Meucci, 3,4 Anaclaudia G Fassa 3,4 1 Postdoctoral Program in Epidemiology, 2 Department of Specialized Medicine – Ophthalmology, 3 Doctoral Program in Epidemiology, 4 Department of Social Medicine []
AIMS: To study the prevalence of asthenopia among computer operators and its association with various epidemiological factors. []
Another very effective alternative to prevent visual fatigue is perform relaxation eye exercises that help combat eye fatigue and, therefore, prevent asthenopia. []
In the same way as a droplet of oil dropped into a cup, the oil layer forms a thin film to prevent heating of tears. The mucin layer fulfills the role of glue that adheres to the surface of the eye to prevent tears from running out of the eye. []
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