Each and every individual will not experience symptoms from duodenal ulcers; and those who do mostly complain of pain and burning sensation in the abdominal region. The other signs and symptoms are discussed below:
- Nausea accompanied by vomiting
- Weight loss
- Decreased appetite
- Undue fatigue
- Anemia due to bleeding ulcers
- Abdominal bloating and belching
In addition to these, individuals may experience other serious symptoms such as:
- Blood in stools
- Pain in the chest
- Blood in vomiting
Prompt diagnosis of duodenal ulcers is required to figure out the nature of the condition. A complete medical history is taken and a thorough physical examination conducted. The other diagnostics tests include:
- X-ray of the abdomen, duodenum and esophagus.
- Endoscopy in order to study the interior of the digestive tract.
- Blood tests to detect anemia.
- Stool tests to detect presence of blood in stool.
- Breath and stomach tissue tests that is done to detect the presence of bacterial infection.
Treatment regime is based on the cause of the duodenal ulcers. It is also dependent on the age of the individual and the extent of disease condition. Primary treatment is focused on medications to eliminate the bacterial infection.
In addition, individuals are put on acid suppressing drugs that work by suppressing the acid contents of the stomach. In the United States, the recommended primary treatment of Helicobacter pylori is proton pump inhibitor which also suppresses acid secretions [7]. Patient should be put on bland diet and strictly advised against smoking. They are also advised to stay away from coffee to allow the medications to work.
If the ulcers have aggravated and are diagnosed at later stages then, surgery is often the preferred treatment plan. It is also the method of choice, when the patients do not respond to medications and lifestyle changes. The use of emergency transcatheter arterial embolization techniques has been successfully used in the control of acute duodenal ulcer hemorrhage [8].
With prompt diagnosis and timely medications, duodenal ulcers get better over time. If the cause of ulcers is infection, then antibiotics form the basis of the treatment plan. Prognosis of the disease is usually good if treatment is initiated quickly.
Meta-analysis studies have shown that duodenal ulcers bleeding dramatically lessens with prompt intravenous proton pump inhibitors after a successful endoscopic procedure [5]. However, one must also understand the fact that modification in lifestyle factors and leading an active lifestyle is also necessary to prevent the recurrence of ulcers. Failure to do so can aggravate existing ulcers and slow down the healing process.
Untreated ulcers can turn life threatening causing the following complications:
- Gastrointestinal bleeding. Bleeding maybe induced by medications like aspirin, ibuprofen and spironolactone [6].
- Perforation due to untreated ulcers. This may further cause peritonitis characterized by inflammation of the cavity and wall of the abdomen.
- Inflammation and scarring of untreated ulcers can cause narrowing of the intestinal opening.
Causes of duodenal ulcer are many; however research has indicated that bacterial infection is the most common factor leading to development of ulcers. Other factors include:
- Infection due to Helicobacter pylori that weakens the mucous membrane making it susceptible to damage by acids and pepsin.
- Tea and coffee: Excessive consumption of these can also make one prone to develop duodenal ulcers. The substance present in these beverages is known to stimulate the production of acidic substances causing destruction of the mucous lining.
- Smoking is yet another causative factor for ulcers. It is also known to worsen existing ulcers and delay the healing process as well.
- Medications such as non–steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (like ibuprofen) also reduce the stomach’s natural ability to defend itself against the harmful effects of acid and pepsin even in children [1].
- Stress: Both physical and emotional also triggers the development of ulcers.
- Stomach contents: The incapacity of the stomach to protect itself against acid and pepsin also causes ulcers to develop.
- Previous history of duodenal ulcer or gastric ulcer predisposes one for relapse [2].
Duodenal ulcers are a common complaint amongst individuals of all age groups. It has been estimated that in the United States, as high as 25 million suffer from duodenal ulcers at least once in their life time. It has also been calculated that the health costs for treating ulcers that includes hospitalization, work loss and outpatient care costs about $5.65 billion in the United States.
Muslim nations who practice the Ramadan has an increased risk for duodenal ulcer due to the 24 hour daytime fasting practices during these days [3].
When food is consumed it passes down the esophageal canal and reaches the stomach. Once the food reaches the stomach, it produces acids that aids in the digestion process. The acid mixes with the food and reaches the duodenum wherein the organ produces enzymes for absorption of the digested food.
Under normal circumstances, the acid that is produced usually does not disturb the lining of the stomach as it is protected by a mucosal barrier. Also, there is certain amount of balance maintained between this mucosal barrier and the amount of acid produced. But, when this balance is disturbed, the corrosive nature of the stomach acids disrupts the mucosal lining causing ulcers.
In duodenal ulcer, histologic examinations have revealed that the acid-secreting parietal cells have doubled in size and have significantly increased basal acid output [4].
It is always best to prevent ulcers rather than getting it treated in the later stages. The following measures can be taken to prevent ulcers from developing:
- It is best to avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. If one is at risk of developing ulcers then use of such drugs should be discontinued. A test for Helicobacter pylori should be conducted before taking these medications. If the result is positive it is best to discontinue these medications.
- Patients who must take low dose aspirin or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for other medical conditions may warrant the use proton pump inhibitors to prevent duodenal ulcers and gastro-intestinal bleeding [9].
- Modification of certain lifestyle factors can go a long way in preventing ulcers. These include cessation of smoking, drinking less tea and coffee and avoiding excessively spiced foods. Studies have shown that smoking increases the risk for duodenal ulcer relapse [10].
Ulcers are basically open sores that generally develop on the skin and mucous membrane. Such open sores that develop in the duodenum are termed as duodenal ulcers.
It is a type of peptic ulcer and occurs as result of bacterial infection. Acid suppressing medications along with antibiotics for 4 to 6 weeks is required for treating the condition.
Patient Information
Ulcers that develop in the duodenum are termed as duodenal ulcers. These are common and about 25 million individuals of United States fall prey to this disease condition. Prompt diagnosis and treatment can correct the condition; however lifelong precautions are necessary to prevent recurrence of it.
Duodenal ulcers develop as a result of bacterial infection, faulty dietary habits, improper lifestyle habits, smoking and alcohol consumption.
Individuals with duodenal ulcers generally complain of burning sensation and pain in the abdomen. Other symptoms include weight loss, feeling of tiredness, and blood in stools, nausea, vomiting, chest pain and loss of appetite.
Complete physical examinations with X-rays of the abdomen are usually the diagnostic tools employed for confirming duodenal ulcers. In addition, endoscopy may also have to be carried out for studying the nature of the ulceration.
Treatment of duodenal ulcers generally depends on the nature and severity of the condition. In initial stages, the ulcers can be taken care of by modification in lifestyle factors and medications. Antibiotics to treat infection and acid suppressants are given for treating the ulcers. In more severe cases, operative procedures may have to be carried out for treating the ulcers.
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