Ethmoid sinusitis is a term describing infection of the ethmoid sinus and is one of the variants of sinusitis. Having in mind its anatomical location, eye-related symptoms such as retroorbital pain and swelling are used as a distinguishing feature. The diagnosis is made primarily on clinical grounds supported by imaging studies, mainly in the form of computed tomography.
After the maxillary sinus, the ethmoid sinus is most commonly affected by infectious pathogens (including bacteria but also viruses and fungi), but it is not uncommon for more than one sinus to be involved [1] [2]. The ethmoid sinus lines the medial wall of the orbit and drains into the middle nasal meatus, which is why typical features of sinusitis - nasal obstruction, rhinorrhea (either serous or purulent), malaise and fever in more severe cases - are often present in patients suffering from ethmoid sinusitis [1] [3]. In many individuals, a preexisting infection of the upper respiratory tract is frequently reported, with symptoms of cough, a sore throat, rhinorrhea and a posterior pharyngeal drip [4]. Having in mind the anatomical proximity of the ethmoid sinus to the eye apparatus, the distinguishing feature of this condition is the concomitant presence of pain between the orbits (or behind the eyes), as well as swelling and tenderness in that area [1] [4]. Headaches are also a common manifestation of sinusitis. Symptoms may last from days to weeks, or even months, depending on the type of sinusitis and is an important clinical finding that can determine the course of treatment. Based on the duration of symptoms, acute (< 30 days), subacute (30-90 days) chronic (> 90 days) or recurrent (multiple episodes during the year) forms of sinusitis are described [1] [4]. Although more severe complications of sinusitis are rare, most notable in terms of ethmoid sinusitis are preseptal or orbital cellulitis, osteomyelitis, subperiosteal orbital abscess and dissemination of microorganisms into the central nervous system (CNS), as well as pseudodacryocystitis and nasolacrimal duct obstruction [4] [5].
Entire Body System
- Localized Pain
Other symptoms of sinusitis which often occur in tandem in various combination are nasal discharge, itchy eyes and nose, runny nose or congestion, toothache, post nasal drip, sore throat, cough, fever, noticeably poorer breath, and localized pain above []
A change in air pressure inside the sinuses will cause localized pain. This can occur both from obstruction of the ostia and increased mucus production, as well as a change in air pressure such as with flying or diving. []
- Mucosal Edema
Physical Findings Typical physical signs include bilateral nasal mucosal edema, purulent nasal secretions, and sinus tenderness (however, this is not a sensitive or specific finding). The location of sinus pain depends on which sinus is affected. []
Decongestants Oral decongestants typically reduce mucosal edema and increase the patency of the ostia. Topical decongestants must be used with caution, but typically may be used for 3-7 days. Longer use may cause rebound and Rhinitis Medicamentosa. []
- Low Fever
Symptoms of a cold (runny nose and low fever) often give way to pain and pressure in the sinuses, which are usually the first signs of sinusitis. []
- Dentist
The diagnostic issue that dentists often encounter is to determine the cause of orofacial pain. []
- Postnasal Drip
Nasal discharge or postnasal drip. Symptoms indicating medical emergency: Increasing severity of symptoms, particularly severe headache, altered vision, mild personality or mental changes (may indicate spread of infection to brain). []
The other symptoms that can manifest include the following: Runny nose that lasts longer than 10 days Facial swelling Postnasal drip Dense nasal secretions Sore throat Sinus headaches Fever Bad breath Generalized malaise or fatigue Cough Diminished sense []
Symptoms of Ethmoid Sinus Infection • Nasal congestion and discharge • Postnasal drip • Pressure and pain on the eyes creating headache • Pain on one side of the nose • Headache in the temples • Pain relief when standing up or keeping your head upright []
Signs and symptoms of Ethmoid Sinusitis include pain in the lower forehead, stuffy of running nose, post nasal discharge or postnasal drip, sinus pressure around the inner corners of the eyes, fever, sore throat, and breathing difficulties. []
- Hyposmia
[…] sinusitis cause similar symptoms, including Yellow or green pus discharged from the nose Pressure and pain in the face Congestion and blockage in the nose Tenderness (pain when touched) and swelling over the affected sinus Reduced ability to smell (hyposmia []
Box 2: Symptoms Associated with the Diagnosis of Chronic Sinusitis Facial pain or pressure Facial congestion or fullness Nasal obstruction or blockage Nasal discharge, purulence, or postnasal drip Hyposmia or anosmia Headache Fever Halitosis Fatigue Dental []
- Anosmia
When she continued to complain of progressive headaches, right-sided epiphora, and anosmia, limited computed tomography (CT) of the paranasal sinuses was obtained (figure 1). []
Box 2: Symptoms Associated with the Diagnosis of Chronic Sinusitis Facial pain or pressure Facial congestion or fullness Nasal obstruction or blockage Nasal discharge, purulence, or postnasal drip Hyposmia or anosmia Headache Fever Halitosis Fatigue Dental []
- Hoarseness
Patient came with sore throat and hoarseness, unaware of any nose or sinus problem. If complications set in, due to spread of infection into neighbouring structures, there may be Swelling of the eye with disturbance of vision. []
- Productive Cough
cough (especially at night) Some symptoms suggest which sinus is infected: Maxillary sinusitis causes pain over the cheeks just below the eyes, toothache, and headache. []
- Fracture
When manipulating the middle turbinate, care must be taken not to fracture the cribriform plate, which is just medial to the attachment of the turbinate, because this will cause a cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak. []
The bilateral nasal fractures are the clue to a traumatic etiology. Looking at the CT scan on the far left you will notice a convex soft tissue mass in the frontal sinus. []
- Diplopia
Pathology [ edit ] Acute ethmoiditis in childhood and ethmoidal carcinoma may spread superiorly causing meningitis and cerebrospinal fluid leakage or it may spread laterally into the orbit causing proptosis and diplopia. [6] Additional images [ edit ] []
Sphenoid and posterior ethmoid mucoceles are less frequent and may present with orbital involvement resulting in decreased vision, exophthalmos, diplopia or with the superior orbital fissure syndrome consisting of ocular palsies and decreased forehead []
Diplopia can occur if an extraocular muscle, usually the medial rectus, is injured. Atrophic rhinitis has also been reported. [19] More worrisome are the rare, but unfortunate, reports of blindness due to resection of the optic nerve. []
Orbital floor repair may be helpful in cases with diplopia, severe cosmetic deformity or those with little improvement following endoscopic surgery. 3 Most certainly an acquired condition, SSS should be distinguished from maxillary sinus hypoplasia, which []
- Unilateral Proptosis
This article presents a case of bilateral ethmoid sinusitis with unilateral proptosis as a presenting sign of an unsuspected prostate carcinoma. A 59-year-old Hispanic male presented to his primary care physician with nasal congestion and rhinitis. []
proptosis as an initial manifestation of metastatic prostate carcinoma. ( 7861473 ) Fortson J.K....Moseley D.L. 1994 15 Radiological case of the month. []
- Retroorbital Pain
Having in mind its anatomical location, eye-related symptoms such as retroorbital pain and swelling are used as a distinguishing feature. []
Face, Head & Neck
- Facial Pain
Diagnosis of sinus headache When faced with someone who has facial pain and drainage, it is reasonable to suspect sinusitis. []
Facial pain is a sign of infection. If the pain is centered over the forehead, the frontal sinuses are involved. Cheek tenderness or toothaches are signs of inflammation in the maxillary sinuses. []
- Frontal Headache
Discriminatory clinical features include: pain between the eyes frontal headaches Specific treatment is rarely required. The ethmoiditis usually resolves with that of the acute infection. Links: sinusitis treatment of acute sinusitis []
Maxillary sinusitis may cause pain in the maxillary area of the face, toothache, and frontal headache. Frontal sinusitis causes frontal pain and headache. Ethmoid sinusitis causes pain behind the eyes and frontal headache. []
Because of the progression of his headaches, a maxillofacial and head CT scan was obtained, revealing acute sinusitis with frontal epidural abscess ( Figure 2 ). []
Osteoma in frontal sinus Osteoma This is a patient who had been having brain MRI for the past 1,5 yrs for frontal headaches. On the MRI (not shown) it looked as if the patient had a little mucosal disease of the frontal sinus. []
Look for: Suspicion of intracranial spread - severe frontal headache, frontal swelling, symptoms or signs of meningitis or focal neurological signs. Suspicion of spread to the orbit - see separate article Orbital and Preseptal Cellulitis. []
- Dizziness
This can cause an ear infection, which if left untreated can put pressure on the inner ear and cause dizziness. This is how ethmoid sinusitis and dizziness are related. []
An ethmoid sinusitis infection may also lead to an ear infection, causing dizziness to the patient. An ethmoid sinusitis infection should be taken seriously, as the infection of the sinuses can cause blood clots on the sides of the face. []
The early symptoms of sinusitis include Runny or stuffy nose, postnasal drip, earache, pain or pressure around the eyes or cheekbones, facial swelling, dizziness, headache, sore throat, fever, bad breath, tooth pain or sensitive, fatigue, cough, loss []
These may be accompanied by a slight rise in temperature, dizziness, and a general feeling of weakness and discomfort. []
Decongestants commonly may cause significant side effects including insomnia, hyperactivity, dizziness, etc, and dosages may need to be reduced in appropriate circumstances. []
A meticulous patient history and a thorough physical examination are mandatory steps in achieving a diagnosis of ethmoid sinusitis, principally because clinical criteria are most important when it comes to infection of the paranasal sinuses [1] [2] [4] [6]. Identifying the onset and type of symptoms is detrimental in assessing which sinus is affected, although signs of rhinorrhea, cough, pain and headaches are sufficient to make a presumptive diagnosis of a paranasal infection. Physical findings include dullness (or absence) of light on transillumination exam, whereas detection of serous or mucopurulent discharge is also a notable observation [1] [2]. Clinical suspicion should be supported by imaging studies, which are necessary to confirm ethmoid sinusitis, with plain radiography often employed as the initial method. The occipitomental view is favored for visualization of the ethmoid cells, and an air-fluid level is considered as a diagnostic hallmark [3] [4]. Computed tomography (CT), however, is superior compared to plain X-rays, and is recommended whenever possible [3] [4] [6]. A detailed microbiological investigation is also a mandatory step in the workup. Cultivation of secretions obtained through nasal swabs is detrimental in confirming bacterial etiology, causative agents predominantly being haemophilus influenza, streptococcus pneumoniae, and gram-negative bacilli [7]. On the other hand, rhinovirus, influenza virus, and parainfluenza virus are notable viral agents [4].
Treatment The treatment for ethmoid sinusitis might require various measures that ranges from home treatment to surgery in severe cases. []
At New York Eye and Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai (NYEE), we specialize in conditions of the nose and sinuses, employing state-of-the-art therapies and treatment options. []
Since there are numerous causes of ethmoid sinusitis the doctor will choose the most suitable treatment modality. The treatment is generally conservative and majority of patients are prescribed certain medications. []
Treatments for ethmoid sinusitis can require a varied approach that ranges from at-home treatments to surgery in the most severe circumstances. Over-the-counter treatments Over-the-counter pain relievers can help ease ethmoid sinusitis discomfort. []
Treatment and Prognosis The treatment may be either medical or surgical. The initial treatment involves administration of appropriate antibiotics along with an analgesic and an anti-histaminic. []
Prognosis The prognosis for acute sinusitis is very good. Most cases will go away within one to two weeks, often without antibiotics. []
Prognosis All but the acute invasive form carry a good prognosis once the diagnosis is made and treatment completed. Fulminant fungal sinusitis is associated with a 50% mortality rate, even with aggressive surgical and medical treatment. []
Prognosis The importance of accurate pretreatment evaluation and staging with paranasal sinus tumors is critical, the stage and type of the paranasal sinus tumor are the most important factors in determining the prognosis. []
PURPOSE: Review the microbiology of chronic rhinosinusitis and test the hypothesis that bacterial infections are not the predominant etiology for chronic rhinosinusitis. []
Cultivation of secretions obtained through nasal swabs is detrimental in confirming bacterial etiology, causative agents predominantly being haemophilus influenza, streptococcus pneumoniae, and gram-negative bacilli. []
Uncovering the etiology of chronic sinusitis can be more difficult. []
It may complicate preseptal cellulitis (irrespective of the underlying etiology) or be the presenting symptom. []
Etiology The paranasal sinuses all drain into the nasal cavity. All of the sinuses are lined with mucousal membranes. This is the area most commonly infected because of drainage problems. []
There is no epidemiological study in Brazil, but it is most likely similar to the American 2 one. []
Epidemiology Although this is less common than acute sinusitis, it remains a reasonably common entity in itself, accounting for about 25 cases per 10,000 person-years in an average UK GP practice [ 2 ]. []
Assess the effect of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on the epidemiology of acute bacterial sinusitis. 10. Develop new bacterial and viral vaccines to reduce the incidence of acute bacterial sinusitis. []
[…] chronic bronchitis, exacerbation of these diseases affects more than 90 million people—nearly one in three Americans. 5 The socioeconomic impact of this translates to more than $5.8 billion dollars spent on the treatment of sinusitis. 6 Back to Top Pathophysiology []
It can occur as a result of a variety of causes of inflammation, the pathophysiology being that this leads to sinus cavity obstruction and subsequent infection (acute sinusitis) and chronic inflammation (chronic disease). []
This condition can be prevented by taking a few precautionary and preventive measures. Sinusitis can be prevented or its frequency can be reduced to a great extent by avoiding the potential allergens and irritants, and by using a humidifier. []
There are also many preventative measures you can take to avoid ethmoid sinusitis such as washing your hands regularly when you have a cold or are around those with a cold. Getting a flu jab can also prevent this by preventing the virus. []
Prevention Prevent maxillary sinus disease by strengthening your immune system. A balanced diet and fitness routine does wonders for helping you to fight off any infection, including all types of sinusitis. []
Some chronic sufferers of sinusitis also report that using a humidifier is beneficial to prevent the sinuses from becoming too dry, and subsequently blocked or clogged, as a preventative measure. []
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- Yazici B, Yazici Z. Pseudodacryocystitis and nasolacrimal duct obstruction secondary to ethmoiditis. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010;26(5):381-383.
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